
Immigration Visa Attorney Blog


What can I do if USCIS is taking too long to make a decision in my case?

Starting October 1, 2017, USCIS has indicated that it would be start requiring in-person interviews for individuals seeking lawful permanent resident status who have been petitioned by their employers.  According to a USCIS spokesperson, there will be additional visa categories that will also require interviews in order to “further improve…


How Long Must We Wait?

Clients at Romben Law, APC offices at both our Pasadena and Palm Springs offices have been asking whether the Trump administration has done anything to change the Priority Date system that creates the sometimes very long wait times before visas can be processed — for immediate relatives, C-visa holders, or…


Am I going to be deported because my green card has expired?

Many people call the Coachella Valley immigration lawyers at Romben Law, APC LLP in a panic because their green cards are about to expire and they are concerned that the card’s expiration will subject them to deportation by the Trump administration. A common misconception is that when a green card…


Missed connections at the Immigration CLE class

Just recently, at the immigration panel sponsored by the Philippine American Bar Association and the Southwestern Law School Asian Pacific American Law Student Association. YOU:  Audience member listening with rapt attention to the four excellent speakers gathered for the event. ME:  The speaker who had the unfortunate task of informing…


The interplay of US immigration policies and the race to save Baby Charlie

On July 11, 2017, two members of Congress — Brad Wenstrup and Trent Franks — introduced a private bill to grant lawful permanent resident status to Charlie Gard and his parents.   The purpose is to allow the family to pursue experimental treatments at a hospital in New York City for…


A good week for second chances

This week, the United States Supreme Court issued decisions in not one, but two (!!) immigration cases for the immigration lawyers at Romben Law, APC LLP to chat about. Earlier this year, I wrote about the Maslenjak case.  During oral arguments, the justices seemed extremely skeptical regarding the government’s position…


What do we say to the four horsemen of deportation? Not today

This week, the Trump Administration summed up its policy on undocumented immigrants inside the United States as follows:  “We are coming after you!”  The immigration lawyers at Romben Law, APC LLP have a response:  “What do we say to the four horsemen of deportation?  Not today.” At a Congressional hearing,…


On my naturalization application, I forgot to mention that time I went 60 in a 55

The immigration lawyers at Romben Law, APC LLP have handled many applications for naturalization for our clients in the Los Angeles area as well as the Coachella Valley area. I have always chuckled about Question # 22:  “Have you EVER committed, assisted in committing, or attempted to commit, a crime…


Trump’s immigration plans (beyond the wall)

Within his first 100 days in office, President Trump has signed more executive orders than his three most recent predecessors.  For immigrants, the executive order that should cause the highest level of concern was signed on January 25, 2017 and titled “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United…

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