
Articles Posted in Non-traditional families


It’s a boy! Master Archie Mountbatten-WIndsor is a US citizen, too!

It’s a boy!  HRH Master Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, the newborn son of Prince Harry Duke of Sussex and US-citizen HRH Lady Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex, was born in the early morning of 6 May 2019.  (No, Master Archie is not (yet) a Prince; that style must be conferred on…


Conditional / Temporary Residents MUST File to Remove Condition

After the historic 2013 decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in US v. Windsor (570 US ___ ), many same-sex couples got married. This enabled a US citizen to petition successfully for a foreign spouse and for that spouse to get Legal Permanent Resident status, the so-called…


Marriage-based Green Cards and Transgendered Persons

There has been a great deal of recent internet discussion about Bruce Jenner’s transition to a new identity as Caitlyn. I want to congratulate Caitlyn Jenner and address some questions about transgender people and immigration. There has been a small flood of calls today at both the Pasadena and Palm…


Same-Sex Marriage: 100 cases later

The tidal wave of the first same-sex marriage (SSM) cases has passed, and I’d like to share some very brief observations. Romben Law, APC, with offices Hollywood and Palm Springs, fielded over 150 inquiries about SSM and has undertaken representation for some 100 cases this year. Some things I’ve noticed:…


Green Cards for Same-Sex Couples — Yes, We Can!

On Tuesday, 26 June 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned the constitutionally discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). A US citizen or Legal Permanent Resident may now submit an immigration petition for a same-sex spouse.  This is historic news and a true change in the way immigration…


New Zealand Legislature Approves Same-Sex Marriage

As an immigrant advocate for gay and lesbian couples, I regularly receive calls at my Los Angeles and Palm Springs offices about whether same-sex marriage is available in x, y, or z country of the world. The legislature of New Zealand yesterday approved same-sex marriage. The measure must be given…


Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!

Yes, yes, yes. Some information about the proposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform was released today. As an immigration lawyer with over 30 years of experience, my phones here in Los Angeles and in the Palm Springs office have been ringing off the hook. I already have over 100 emails from France…


French Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriage

I wrote a few weeks ago that the French National Assembly voted to approve same-sex marriage. Today, the French Senate passed a bill approving same-sex marriage, also. In the coming weeks, the two bills will undergo a “second reading” to reconcile minor differences in language. It is expected that the…


Uruguay Legislature Approves Same-Sex Marriage. Now what, America?

A large majority of the Uruguay Legislature today approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. The bill has the support of the country’s president, José Mujica, who has said that he will sign the bill in the next two weeks. Uruguay is the second country in Latin America (the other is…


A Green Card for the Rainbow? Not yet!!

In the past few days, my phones in both Los Angeles and Palm Springs have been ringing; everyone wants to know if it is now possible for gay or lesbian US Citizens to successfully petition a green card for their foreign spouses. As an advocate for nontraditional families for over…

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