
Retina Scans Being Done at US Ports of Entry

We at Romben Law, APC in Los Angeles believe in keeping the USA safe; however, we are also aware that many security measures can be a burden. As immigration attorneys, we are alert to security mechanisms which may violate the civil rights of immigrants and visitors.

We have recently recently received a report — which we have not yet been able to verify — that the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Newark, New Jersey ports of entry are conducting retina scans on arriving non-Americans and non-Legal Permanent Residents. This is in addition to the fingerprints that are routinely taken from all US visitors.

There may be other ports of entry using the retina scan, and we would appreciate hearing from anyone who knows which other POEs are using such scans.

Although the retina scan is not intrusive and does not cause any discomfort, it is an additional level of identify verification being used by the Department of Homeland Security. Visitors should not be surprised if they are asked to permit a retina scan. –jcf

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